Saturday, 29 June 2013

What's New This July!

Hello my lovelies,

It has been some time since I last had a chance to post to guys but I have been updating my facebook and instagram so you can also follow me on those. I have been just focusing on being Mummy me for a while, toddlers really living up to the "Terrible Twos" name lol! I find it very useful that every once in a while you just sit and think what is important and priorities, some things are important to you at one  point in life but their importance may change.. So I find it very helpful to do this every so often so I  can clearly think where I am needed most. Yes, another trick from my amazing mummy :)

However, I have not forgotten you, my amazing supporters (how could I?) and have come back with a mind blowing offer!!!!! Drum Roll Please!

***It is a MASSIVE up to 70% OFF everything on my etsy store***

Yup, don't believe me check for yourself :). I am clearing out my shelves of all the designs that I have made over the past year and will be away for a few weeks working on a new re-launch for my shop and brand. This are going to change around here, but change for the better hopefully. :)

Because I love you guys so much I didn't want to leave without an amazing gift. I value all your comments and feedback they mean so much to me to feel all the love. If there are any suggestions for my re-launch please pass them my way below in the comments section.

Will be updating you of what I am doing over the next few weeks.... Exciting!!! :)

Nite nite xx

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