Hello Lovlies
Hope that you are all doing great and have been enjoying the super weather we have been having this month. I have been away for a while, planning for a lot of great projects that I will be be launching soon so keep checking this space for more information about that. Also I took a bit of time to focus on my twins and spend more time with them to help and encourage them to start speaking. As most of you know they are now just past the two year and a half mark :) so they should be speaking quite a bit, yet alhamdulilah they are still at baba and mama! I have picked up quite a lot of skills and spoken to a lot of people about this issue so if anyone is concerned that they have this issue or would like me to talk more about this just comment below here and let me know.
Wanted to say Eid Mubarak to those of you who are celebrating and hope that the past month has been filled with blessings and that you have been able to make the most of it.
I am quickly typing this post for you guys while Youssef and Hana eat their ice cream, that I gave them to keep them occupied lol! I am just imagining the mess but at least they would have had fun, then we can have fun cleaning up lol!
I have recently just been inspired to make a lot of changes around me, starting with myself and to our apartment. Well I was watching TV as you do, and saw this couple who felt their room was lacking in character and described it as a "box" and well I realised hang on! that looks like my entire apartment haha! I think having been around the kids and always cleaning and tidying after them didn't really give me the opportunity to take a good look round and see what was around me. I'm always looking out for crumbs or toys or anything else that has been misplaced. So yaaay! That's one of the things I want to start doing so if you have any ideas or things to recommend please send them my way.
So alhamdulilah I am excited for all the projects that I have coming and will be updating you a lot more often so keep a look out, also will be having some amazing give aways from my shop.
Have a lovely evening beauties xx